Terra Cognita

Brain Maze : We are here to explore & play

Identified obstacle : Visitors in exhibitions and lectures can feel passive, and don't pay as much attention to the information they encounter. The visit and contents also don't allow for a strong sense of individualisation.

Proposed solution:

We are used to actively seek information - and trust it more because we put some of ourselves in finding it. To tap into this mechanism, we designed a one-of-a-kind exhibition space, shaped as a maze with many entries and exits, where each visitor is turned into an active explorer. 

Mazes and labyrinths have been drawn and built across places and times - from ancient palaces and spiritual places to gardens, corn fields and video-games. They inspire reflection but also exploration and discovery. Mazes also play a great role in science, to study how animals navigate their environment. 

Last but not least, the maze's design is tapping into the sense of curiosity and playfulness that we all share - across all ages.

How to grow exploration and playfulness : 


Brain maze is the result of work between scientists, philosophers, architects and designers Perifeira S.L + Samos Berenguer (Design and Construction) and short listed for the best temporary design in the Spanish architect's competition in 22.

It was exhibited during the Biotopia Sense Festival (Munich, Oct 2022) and the Cheltenham Science Festival (Cheltenham June 2023) by more than 5000 explorers and visitors.

Based on evaluation, the engagement with the contents of the exhibits was widely enhanced by this gamification of the visit.

The maze experience was covered by the BBC (https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p0ftfkf9)

Interested in exhibiting the maze, or hearing more, please contact us .

  • Brain Maze Biotopia Oct 2022

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Biotopia 2022

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